- Ställa in sig - to prepare yourself for something, and to mentaly and strongly think something is going to happen
- Ställa sig in - not the same thing as above! This means to brown nose somebody
- Suga åt sig - to really absorb credit about yourself. If someone is telling you how good you are: Sug åt dig!
- Punga ut - to pay for something, usually a bigger amount. It's always about money, though: Svenskar pungar ut miljontals på sms varje år.
- Trassla in sig - "to tangle yourself in something": Not just literally, but also if you have a problem, or maybe several, and you have caused yourself to be in that situation.
- Skälla ut någon - "to bark someone out" or to berate/scold/call down: Min lärare skällde ut mig när jag inte kunde alla partikelverb.
- Skjuta upp - Skjut inte upp till imorgon, det du kan göra idag. = don't postpone till tomorrow, what you can do today...
Kör igång! (Another partikelverb!)
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